About EIM
European Innovation Marketplace is a non-profit association based in Belgium, constituted to vertebrate a network of senior scientific esearchers and innovation experts with a consolidated track record in R&D and Innovation projects at EU level.
EIM targets its work on emerging and disrupting deep tech concepts that will tailor the mid-term future and paves the way towards a solid upscaling of European technologies by providing senior skills in Exploitation strategy and dissemination Networking.
In this way we conduct mid-term research projects on low TRL but promising disruptive technologies with an expected high impact. Thanks to our multidisciplinary network of senior experts, EIM overage reach main EU strategic sectors such as Energy, Infrastructure, Circular economic Transport, Healthcare…

Missions (what we do)

Analytics Research


Standardization and Policies
In wich projects we participate
Areas of expertise of our network
Clean Techs

Advanced ICT, Computing & Technologies

Smart Energy Grids